[. . . ] and with What Weapon? Equipment · Clue ® Game Board: This shows nine rooms in Mr. Boddy' mansion s · 6 colored tokens, each representing one of the Suspects: Colonel Mustard-- yellow; Miss Scarlet-- red; Professor Plum-- purple; Mr. Peacock-- blue · 6 miniature weapons: Rope, Lead Pipe, Knife, Wrench, Candlestick, Revolver · Pack of cards: One card for each of the six Suspects, six Weapons and nine Rooms · Pad of detective "notebooks" to aid in your investigation · Confidential "Case File" envelope · 1 die Setup 1. [. . . ] It doesn' matter if you roll t a number that' higher than you need to enter. s · You may not re-enter the same room on a single turn. · It is possible that your opponents might block any and all doors and trap you in a room. If this happens, you must wait for someone to move and un-block a door so you can leave! Making a Suggestion As soon as you enter a room, make a Suggestion. By making Suggestions throughout the game, you try to determine-- by process of elimination-- which three cards are in the confidential Case File envelope. To make a Suggestion, move a Suspect and a Weapon into the room that you just entered. Then suggest that the crime was committed in that Room, by that Suspect, with that Weapon. Example: Let' say that you' Miss Scarlet and you enter the Lounge. Then say, "I suggest the crime was committed in the Lounge by Mr. Green with the Wrench. " Remember two things: · You must be in the Room that you mention in your Suggestion. · Be sure to consider all tokens-- including spare Suspects and including yourself!-- as falling under equal suspicion. Proving a Suggestion True or False As soon as you make a Suggestion, your opponents, in turn, try to prove it false. This player looks at his or her cards to see if one of the three cards you just named is there. If the player does have one of the cards named, he or she must show it to you and no one else. If the player has more than one of the cards named, he or she selects just one to show you. If that opponent has none of the cards that you named, then the chance to prove your Suggestion false passes, in turn, to the next player on the left. [. . . ] When a transfer is necessary, leave the item(s) in the new location after the Suggestion is made. If yours was the Suspect transferred, you may, on your next turn, do one of two things: Move from the Room in one of the usual ways OR Make a Suggestion for that room. If you decide to make a Suggestion, do not roll the die or move your token. [. . . ]